The singer songwriter of various
songs like "Car Crash", "50 Proof", "Pacman",
"Typical Story" and many more.


June 29, 2023
El Rey Theatre
eaJ LA Show
June 30, 2023
El Rey Theatre
eaJ LA Show

Music Videos

Latest Release

In My Civic

Singles & EP

Laughing in Insomnia

First EP

Smiling in Insomnia


Typical Story

Guides & Playlist


- is an option which allows users to save one song or an entire album to their queue before it’s released.

1. Log in to your Spotify/Apple Music account
2. Click on the official pre-save link from eaJ Park Official
3. You will be redirected to this options, click on the streaming platform available for you.

4. Once you have successfully pre-saved the digital song/album all you have to do is to wait for the release date and listen.



1. Stream the song(s) from a playlist or album. If eaJ decided to make a playlist, we will have to use the playlist to stream.
2. DO NOT put the volume on mute, it won't count on streaming. If it is bothering you, we recommend using headphones/earphones.
3. You can use multiple devices to stream if you have any spare phone and accounts.
4. Listen to the whole track or for a minimum of 30 seconds for it to count as a stream before skipping to a different track.
5. DO NOT put the songs on loop/repeat as we are not yet sure if it does count on the streaming.


1. Play the Music Video on the official YouTube channel of the artist
2. Watch and DO NOT skip ADs
3. Manually search the title of the song on YouTube as it helps boost on the trending songs and can help increasing the views.
4. You can stream on multiple devices with different accounts just make sure you clear cache/history before going back to streaming.
5. DO NOT mute the music video, , we recommend using headphones/earphones.
6. Interact with the video, drop some likes and comments but DO NOT SPAM
7. You can pause, play, skip and rewind so you do not appear as a bot
8. You can use a playlist or stream other songs before streaming back to the music video so you won't be considered as a bot
9. Make use of the YouTube premium if you have any as it counts as 1 album/unit sale
10. DO NOT USE VPN as it can affect YouTube's algorithm and can potentially delete views


1. Gifted songs **do not **count towards charts, its preferably helpful to buy the song/album on iTunes.
2. Sales on iTunes count higher on some charts.

After all the guidelines written above, do not forget to enjoy the music eaJ gave us and brag it to your SNS Platforms. We could use them to promote him & his music.


1. Do not buy more than 4 copies per transaction as it will be considered as a bulk order and would only count as 1 album/unit sales
2. If you are buying from Amazon, make sure to check if it says Sold and Shipped by Amazon. If not that solely means that it is a from 3rd party sellers.
3. Check on your country if they are opening a group order if physical album are to be release __just be cautious and ask for vouch and proofs that the person you are joining is legit__, we don't want to be scammed right?
4. If you're still anxious you can buy solely from the Amazon website and have to shipped thru your local courier